Industry Leaders in Safety Training
27 May 2017
Fully regulated by and accredited with the British Parachute Association GoSkydive’s first priority is customer safety. Using a core team of highly experienced, full time professional skydive instructors and the very best industry leading parachute technology, GoSkydive strives to continually ‘do things better’ and aspires to lead the way in safety development and improvement within the industry.
One area which we believed could be ‘done better’ was the training of our customers in preparation for their jump. Not satisfied with the standard industry approach which is to use a ‘horse’ similar to that seen in a gymnasium, GoSkydive set about a way to make the training closer to the actual experience. We needed to find a way in which customers could practice the key body positions required for exit, freefall and on landing.
The solution was to create an environment in which the customer is suspended in a harness in a similar way to being suspended by their instructor during the tandem skydive experience. The customer also wears the outfit and equipment that they will be skydiving in, again keeping the training as close as possible to the ‘real thing’. Timing was also important, we wanted that tuition to take place as close to the actual jump time as possible.
Customers are ‘kitted-up’ in their jump suit, head gear, goggles and tandem skydive harness. They are then suspended and with a fully qualified instructor taken through each of the body positions required. Customers practice those manoeuvres under the close eye of the instructor ensuring the manoeuvres are carried out correctly. Once the instructor is satisfied and the training is complete, customers will move directly to the flight departure area where they are met by their instructors for final checks before the flight up to altitude.
Fully approved by the British Parachute Association, GoSkydive’s method of tandem skydive pre-jump training in a simulated training environment, is recognised as being industry leading.